Kick Off Meeting of the MARCET II project at the Elder Museum of Science and Technology

The INTERREG project known as MARCET starts its second phase with the development of various scientific and technological research studies in order to evaluate and analyse during the next three years the human activity impact on the marine protected areas of the Macaronesian Atlantic using cetaceans as bioindicators of the marine environmental quality of the areas where they live.

All the participating organisations and institutions were represented during the kick off meeting at the Elder Museum of Science and Technology. This meeting was presented by Antonio Fernández, director of the University Institute for Animal Health and Food Safety  (IUSA) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, accompanied by José Pablo Suárez Rivero and Ernesto Pereda, Vice-Chancellors of Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and of the University of La Laguna respectively.

MARCET II is an initiative led by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria through the University Institute for Animal Health and Food Safety (IUSA-ULPGC), with the participation of fifteen organisations and institutions from the four Macaronesian archipelagos: PLOCAN, CETECIMA, Loro Parque Foundation, Tourism of Tenerife, CEAMAR, University of La Laguna (ULL), Museu da Baleia of Madeira,  Observatório Oceânico da Madeira, Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza IFCN IP-RAM), Direçao Regional dos Assuntos do Mar (DRAM), Universidade dos Açores, Direçao Nacional do Ambiente de Cabo Verde, Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimiento das Pescas (INDP), BIOS.CV y Associação de Biólogos e Investigadores de Cabo Verde (ABI-CV).

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