PLOCAN participates in the Science and Innovation Miniferias of the Canary Islands

PLOCAN has participated in the Science Miniferias to bring the scientific and innovative knowledge to students by giving an online workshop on marine robotics with recycled material for Primary Education students within the framework of the EDUROVs initiative.

During a week, the activity, which consisted of building small boats from a template with empty Tetra Pak cartons, has been held daily in two online sessions in which 13 centres from the islands and more than 400 students have participated. Once the boats were built in the centres, the students operated remotely some boats built with the same materials and equipped with a robotic system. Teleoperation has facilitated the navigation of the boats in a swimming pool at the facilities of PLOCAN, managed by the students from their centres.

The Science and Innovation Miniferias of the Canary Islands are a dissemination event promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands through the Canary Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI) to bring the scientific and innovative knowledge to students. With this event, the Canarian Executive promotes the participation of the different agents of the R+D+i system in the Archipelago, creating a large space of knowledge to show science, as well as its advances and research.

EDUROVs builds robots from low-cost materials, with free software and hardware, with the aim of bringing students closer to science and technology in a practical way and stimulate professional vocations in the field of technology. EDUROVs is promoted by CaixaBank, through an economic contribution from the “la Caixa” Foundation, as well as by the Government Area for Economic Development, Energy Sovereignty, Climate and Knowledge of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and PLOCAN.

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